
Monday, October 30, 2017

Connecticut Foliage Drive 2017

Time to take a side road
It's late to be going on a foliage drive in Connecticut, but that's the kind of year it's been. Gypsy moth damage followed by drought and unusually warm weather has had everyone wondering what kind of foliage we would have this fall. The answer - spotty and late.

Love the layering of yellow, orange and red
I prefer overcast days for foliage drives. It tends to make the colors pop more, sometimes appearing fluorescent.

A view across the marsh in Lyme, CT
We planned to do a Connecticut River loop. Starting on 82 East, we turned south on Rt. 156. We took a few side trips, then crossed the river on I-95S. At exit 69 we turned north on Rt. 154, took a few more side trips and then crossed the river again on Rt. 82 West. We stopped for lunch at what is fast becoming one of our favorite  spots, Two Wrasslin' Cats Cafe in East Haddam. Then continued toward home.

Where will this road lead?
Our annual foliage drives bring out the explorer in me! Hmmmm...I've always wondered what is down that road? Time to find out!

A secluded beach on the Connecticut River
It was well worth the detour! What a gem of a discovery this was! Scenic and serene, it was tempting to pull out the beach chairs and stay for awhile, but our mission was to find foliage views so on we pushed.

Old Lyme board walk looking towards I-95 bridge on the Connecticut River

In Old Saybrook, the foliage continued to be spotty. Loads of color in some areas, loads of green and bare trees in others. Very strange for late October, but everyone we talked to along the way said it was the same in Massachusetts and Vermont.

Rt 154 in Old Saybrook
Couldn't resist another side road! This one lead past a pond littered with fallen leaves.

A Pond in Old Saybrook
Our next side trip was to the charming little town of Essex, where Halloween surprises were in store!
A blaze of red surrounds the pond
Every lamp post in town was decorated for Halloween!

All were numbered so people could vote for their favorite

Halloween in Essex, CT
Community spirit is evident as Essex really gets into the Halloween theme.

Essex, CT October 2017
The homeowners on historic main street do it up brilliantly, making Essex a favorite tourist destination.

You never know who will greet you next
Historic homes, peek through views of the harbor, and Halloween humor!

Boil, boil, toil and trouble!
And then there's the foliage we set out to find!

Deep orange
Did I mention every lamp post is decorated? I could have written a blog on that alone!

We were too early for lunch at the historic Griswold Inn, so we continued on taking a few more stops along the way, and taking a lunch break before heading home.

Oxoboxo Lake, Oakdale, CT
Ironically, as is often the case, we found some of the best foliage back home in Oakdale...

Old Colchester Road, Oakdale, CT
and in our own back yard. I've moved my usual spot at the kitchen table to another chair where I can enjoy this beauty at each meal.
I love the red leaves on the pathway and the yellow underling the red tree.
It's October 30th today, and the foliage season isn't over yet. I intend to take it all in and enjoy every moment of life in New England!

Laura S. Pringle is the author of The Pringle Plan, a series of educational guides. 

 See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon

 ©2017 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

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