
Monday, October 9, 2017

A Wee Faerie Village

What fun I had at Faerieville, U.S.A.! Located on the grounds of the Florence Griswold Museum in Old Lyme, CT, the tiny village is open September 30th - October 29th this year. Admission includes entry to the museum as well as a map of the village with scavenger-hunt-type-questions at each numbered stop. Built by volunteers, each faerie garden has its own theme and design. It's a great way to meet people as everyone takes joy in discovering the hunted item! I took more photos than seems reasonable, but I wanted to remember it all. I'll share a few of my favorites with you today.

Some are in trees. 
The Sugar Crumb Faerie Bakery - Jessica Zydeek

Some are small.
Wee Free Faerieville Public Library - John and Leslie Keogh

Some are large.
Underwater Academy For Seafaeries - Students from Deep River Elementary School Led by Art Teacher Diana DeWolf-Carfi
There are beautiful views everywhere.
Lieutenant River, Old Lyme, CT

And every so often you spot  some faeries!

Instead of paintings of water lilies, you'll find paintings on water lilies!
The Not-So-Metropolitan Museum of Wee Faerie Art - Natalie O'Brien and Fifth Grade Class of Pleasant Valley Elementary School, South Windsor, CT

A beach, complete with sand sculptures on the lawn.
Sandtopia - Professional Sand Sculpture Greg Grady

 Look carefully, and among the flowers you'll find a village.
Perennial gardens at the FloGris

An old window creates a backdrop for shoppers.
Flora & Feathers Vintage Fashion Boutique - Kristen Thornton

 Need more plant ideas for your garden? Visit the local botanical garden's greenhouse.

Plant Palace - Dee Dee Charnok, Teddi Curtiss, Bobbie Padgett, and Gay Thorn

The doors  open wide, welcoming all at the  chapel.
The Bark Barrow Chapel - Katie Scarlett Faile and Erik Faile

A pine cone lid for this greens covered teapot that steams white feathers from its spout! 
Tilly's Tea Room - Cheryl Poirier, Lisa Reneson, and Tammi Flynn

Some gardens were created almost entirely from natural materials. Can you spot the tiny box of popcorn?
Frolic-In Movie Theater - Adam Pipkin and Erica Sunshine

Some were cleverly crafted of odds and ends.
All Pro Automotive of Faerieville - Dave Graybill

Of course when your Faerie Village is in Old Lyme, there must be an art studio...
Shoreline Academy Of The Arts - Shelby Chadwick

... and an antique shop. 
Birtwistle Antiques - Mary Ann Besier, Rudi Besier, Kurt Besier, and Edie Twining

 Oh there's more, much more! But that would spoil all your fun when you go to visit A Wee Faerie Village!

 Laura S. Pringle is the author of The Pringle Plan, a series of educational guides. 

 See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon

 ©2017 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

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