
Monday, November 6, 2017

My Fall Garden

Still a lot of green in October, but this maple is beginning to change
My fall garden is all about the foliage. The transformation is a wonder to me each year. Each day brings new changes as some trees lose their leaves, some put on a brilliant display of color and others still think it is summer. Some flowers still surprise as they continue to bloom in cooler temperatures, but its really all about the trees. 

Redbud turns yellow in early October

The hydrangeas have turned a deep mauve

The hollyhocks finally had a sudden growth spurt in October

A guardian angel named Timmy appeared to help me maintain my moss mower strip project!

A blaze of orange...

...and a blaze of red..

...with a bit of green

I can see further into the woods these days

Late October and the geraniums are still blooming...

...meanwhile the color deepens in back

I love the mums at Scott's, but it's still too warm

I skipped the pumpkins this year as well

Early November and we're finally at peak color!

Another angle

A surprise! Gerberas still in bloom!

A lone lilly blooming in November?

Johnny jump ups are never a surprise in my garden and I'm always delighted to see them!

Early morning sun reveals the leaf thinning has begun

Uh-oh! I see the deer finally got to my hostas!

Always love this orange against the blue sky

It's the first week of November. Redbud has lost its leaves, dogwood is orange on top but still green on bottom, and the sophia roses are still in bloom!

Autumn loves fall. Its still warm enough for some deck time where she can keep an eye on the chipmunks and squirrels.

Laura S. Pringle is the author of The Pringle Plan, a series of educational guides. 

 See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon

 ©2017 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

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