
Monday, July 10, 2017

Chapman Falls at Devil's Hopyard

Chapman Falls
I felt 20 again, hiking through the woods, up hills, over rocks, slipping in the mud and having a wonderful time. A heavy rain the day before provided the perfect opportunity to snap photos of one of my favorite spots - Chapman Falls at Devil's Hopyard!

The trails all start out pretty sedate, a gentle stroll along well marked level terrain. This one begins at a covered bridge that makes crossing the brook a breeze. On the other side of the bridge, you need to start making choices - is this the official trail or a well worn explorer route? In the end you end up doing some climbing, tripping, and sliding as you finally arrive on the upper east side of the falls.
Covered Bridge

Streams and scenery along the trail

Moss forms its own falls over the rocky ledge

Tree roots provided a place for me to wedge my foot on the muddy trail
The trail sloped towards the water as I approached the falls
Its an adventure capturing the view from all angles

A view from above

As beautiful as these views were, I knew a better spot - I'd been here before! A short drive in my car delivered me to the parking area above the falls. From there  it was an easy down hill walk to this favorite destination. Off the trail I went, practically sliding down to this spot. All you can hear is the sound of rushing water. Surrounded by greenery and early morning sunshine - there is nothing more rejuvenating! 
I was tempted to scramble out onto the rock jetty as I commonly did 40 years ago, but restrained myself. Why ruin the perfect start to a new day?! The memories would suffice and I get to survive to do it again another day! 
I ended this wondrous morning at the small park alongside the stream. My husband and I have picnicked here many times over the years. He would fish and I would bring something to read or just enjoy soaking up the sun. Sometimes we'd hop across the rocks to the other side in search of an even better spot to fish. I don't think he ever caught anything here, but it never mattered. We just enjoyed the relaxation and beauty of nature.

The stream where Gary used to fish

Laura S. Pringle is the author of The Pringle Plan, a series of educational guides. 

 See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon

 ©2017 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

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