
Monday, October 3, 2016

Off To Mystic

     I’m off to Downtown Mystic, CT this week. Why? Do I need a reason! I love it there. The water, the bridge, watching the boats pass by as I take my walk on the boardwalk - What more reason do I need? Well, actually I do have a reason, or at least an excuse to take a mini-vacation.

     We have finally planted enough flowers in our garden to attract loads of butterflies and hummingbirds. My husband and I both really enjoyed watching them this summer as we sat on the deck at meal times. The butterflies really hung by the purple flowers, and the hummingbirds seemed most attracted to anything pink in the garden. The problem was, there were so many different varieties, and we didn’t know the names of any of them. So, last week, still in September, my husband announced he wanted a butterfly book for Christmas!

     Hmmm… I wonder where I could find a butterfly book? What’s that – one just like I bought you for identifying birds a few years ago? I know just where to get that! I’ll just have to take a drive over to the bookstore in downtown Mystic.   Of course while I’m there, I may as well stop by the tea shop, take a walk on the boardwalk, and poke my head in a few other shops while I’m at it! See you next Monday!

Oh, here are a few links to some of my favorite places in Mystic.

Laura S. Pringle is the author of The Pringle Plan, a series of educational guides.

See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon

 ©2016 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

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