
Monday, October 17, 2016

Bridge of Flowers

Seeing all the beautiful foliage pictures on Facebook has me reminiscing about a day trip my husband and I took back in 2010. We were really in to going for long drives at that time. We had done the traditional drive to Vermont, and realized we really had never explored Massachusetts. So, feeling a bit adventurous, we hopped into the car and off we went with no real plan.

     That decision turned out to be a smart move, because in our wanderings we stumbled upon Shelburne, Mass.  This quaint little town, which neither of us had ever heard of, not only had a nice little diner for lunch, and shops to explore, but of all things – A bridge of flowers! I would never have imagined such a place existed, let alone gone looking for it, but there it was. As we drove across one bridge, we could see flowers hanging over the side of another bridge. The bridges both cross the Deerfield River.

     The Bridge of Flowers is open April 1 – October 30th. It’s a pedestrian bridge, (no dogs allowed), that is planted and maintained by an impressive group of very dedicated volunteers. I’m afraid my photos don’t do it justice, so I really hope you’ll use this link to check out the organizations website. Their photos are far superior to mine. They must have created a micro-climate on the bridge, because it really was amazing the number of flowers still in bloom during our visit.

Laura S. Pringle is the author of The Pringle Plan, a series of educational guides.

See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon

 ©2016 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

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