
Monday, April 12, 2021

Spring Menu Week #1 From The Pringle Plan

At times, it seemed like spring would never arrive, but just like clock work arrive it did. Which means it is time to make a seasonal switch of my menus. Pictured below are photos to go with the Spring Menu Week #1 from my latest book: The Pringle Plan For Quality Nutrition.
Wednesday/Thursday Lunch - Black Beans, Celery, Beets, and Tomatoes on a bed of Romaine, dressed with Apple Cider Vinegar and Extra Virgin Olive Oil, seasoned with Fennel Seeds

Dinner - Salmon served on a bed of Brussel Sprouts, Onions, and Pepper Strips, seasoned with Parsley and Dill, and topped with a slice of Lemon; on the side - Oven-fried Sweet Potatoes seasoned with Rosemary!

Friday/Saturday Lunch - Walnuts, Artichoke Hearts, Red Bell Peppers, and Scallions on a bed of Homegrown Lettuce, dressed with Apple Cider Vinegar and Extra Virgin Olive Oil, and seasoned with Oregano

Dinner was an easy breezy convenience meal prepared at home. The Burritos are from the frozen food section of the organics department. They are dairy free, a great choice for anyone with lactose intolerance. All you do is take them out of the wrapper and microwave. The sautéed Vegetables are also easy. Frozen Pepper Strips, canned Organic Tomatoes, and pre-sliced Organic Mushrooms. Start with the frozen Peppers, drain off any liquid, add the Mushrooms and a few minutes later add the Tomatoes. Season with Cumin, Cilantro, Chili Powder, and a few dashes of Cayenne. Cook until heated through. 
Dinner - Dairy Free Burritos, served with sautéed Pepper strips, Tomatoes, and Mushrooms

Sunday/Monday Lunch - Black Beans, Avocado, Celery, and Tomato on a bed of Arugula, dressed with Balsamic Vinegar and Extra Virgin Olive Oil and seasoned with Salt and a dash of Cayenne

Sometimes we have to be flexible. My dinner menu called for Tempeh, but since none was delivered with our grocery order this week, my husband suggested it might be an opportunity to use up some of the leftover St. Patrick's Day Corned Beef we had in the freezer. Perfect solution!
Dinner - A sauté of Corned Beef, Eggplant, Onion, and Garlic, seasoned with a surprise of chef's whim, and served over a bed of Barley 

Our Tuesday/Wednesday Lunch did not get photographed (my bad), but it was a salad of Chic Peas, Cucumber, Tomato, and Scallion, with Homemade Rye Bread on the side. Dinner time called for more flexibility. With no Yellow Squash or Zucchini, we substituted with a jar of store bought Pasta Sauce.

Dinner -  A sauce of Sunflower Seeds, Onion, Garlic, and store bought Organic Pasta Sauce, tossed with Chic Pea Pasta, and topped with a sprinkle of Nutritional Yeast

The Pringle Plan For Quality Nutrition: A Ten-Year Personal Journey And Nutritarian Menu Plan

Eat Well Everyone!

See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon 

 The Pringle Plan is a series of educational guides. 

 ©2021 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

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