
Tuesday, April 6, 2021

A Nutritarian Easter!

Holiday menus differ a bit from my other Pringle Plan menus. Usually something traditional or at least a bit special. In this case, Easter and spring are a time of renewal and new beginnings so, Eggs are featured for both lunch and dinner.

Easter Breakfast - Smoked Salmon, Toffuti and Dill on Pumpernickel Bread  

Morning Snack - Fresh Blueberries and Raw Wild Soil Almonds

Lunch - Frittata of Organic Pasture Raised Eggs, Celery, Onion, and Asparagus seasoned with Rosemary, Sage, and Thyme; and a slice of Laura's Homemade Herb Bread (not pictured)

Afternoon Snack - Steamed Artichokes with Pesto 

Dinner - Barramundi Fish topped with seasonings and a slice of Lemon, a colorful combination of Frozen Vegetables, and an equally colorful Potato Salad of Organic Pasture Raised Eggs, Red Bliss Potatoes, Sweet Potato, and Scallions, dressed with a mixture of Olive Oil Mayonnaise, Apple Cider Vinegar, Chives, Parsley, Salt and Pepper

For more menus and Recipes click here:

See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon

 The Pringle Plan is a series of educational guides. 

 ©2021 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

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