
Friday, August 7, 2020

Quality Nutrition

   I love colorful food! Red, green, orange, blue, purple, and yellow - so much more interesting than a bland steady diet of brown and white foods. I also love the aroma of herbs and spices. Fennel seeds, oregano, cumin, cayenne, cinnamon, basil, cilantro, and curry - a delight to the senses that surpasses that of standard old salt and pepper. This is what a Nutritarian lifestyle is all about! Take a look at a few photos from my Summer Week #1 Menu and I think you will agree, Nutritious eating is delicious eating!
Lunch - Black beans, arugula, beets, tomato, scallions, capers, seasonings, extra virgin olive oil, vinegar, and whole grain bread

Dinner - Barramundi fish served on a bed of amaranth, asparagus, pepper strips, and mushrooms

Dessert - Strawberry-Rhubarb Walnut Crumble

The Pringle Plan For Quality Nutrition: A Ten-Year Personal Journey and Nutritarian Menu Plan

My latest book, The Pringle Plan For Quality Nutrition, is all about the health challenges and food changes I have made. The subtitle: A Ten-Year Personal Journey and Nutritarian Menu Plan, gives you a clue that I have not always eaten this way. I am so glad I made some important changes to the quality of nutrition I had been consuming. With improved nutrition comes improved health and more energy! Copy and paste the title above into Amazon's Search feature to order your copy today!
Lobster salad on a bed of romaine, with tomato, avocado, and whole grain bread

Dinner - Pinto beans, eggplant, onion, tomato sauce, and sweet potatoes

Lunch - Black beans on a bed of Swiss chard, with red bell pepper, avocado, tomato and rye bread

Nutritarians eat lots of fruit, vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. Essentially, it is a whole-food, plant-based diet. However, it is not about eating exclusively plant-based foods. Instead, being a Nutritarian is about eating high-quality nutrition. That is why you will also see fish, seafood, eggs, and occasionally meat on my menus.
Dinner - Wild caught salmon, onion, string beans, summer squash, garlic, and barley

Dinner - Cold salad of pecans, mushrooms, artichoke hearts, bell pepper, celery, garlic and quinoa, served on a bed of leafy greens
Copy and paste this title into Amazon's Search feature to buy today:
The Pringle Plan For Quality Nutrition: A Ten-Year Personal Journey and Nutritarian Menu Plan

See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon

 The Pringle Plan is a series of educational guides. 

 ©2020 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

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