
Monday, June 8, 2020

Spring Meals From The Pringle Plan

The Pringle Plan: Spring Menu - Week#1 
Home-grown lettuce, red bell peppers, tomatoes, artichoke hearts, and pumpkin seeds
 I'm about three-quarters of the way through with my latest book, The Pringle Plan For Quality Nutrition. It's been slow going as I deal with carpal tunnel, but now that I have my Dragon speech to text software, I'm picking up momentum again. So, I thought I'd share a few food photos to wet your appetite!

Dairy-free burritos with string beans, mushrooms, and canned crushed tomatoes
I plan in some easy-breezy convenience foods like the organic dairy free frozen burritos in the photo above. Weekday breakfasts are all the same - oatmeal, fruit, and nuts, but weekends call for something a little more special.
Weekend breakfast - Cantaloupe, rye toast, and eggs scrambled with spinach and scallions

Black beans, arugula, avocado, grape tomatoes, celery, and carrots
I aim for color in all my meals. I consider brown and white meals bland. Sometimes I'm successful, sometimes... well, not so much. Below is a dinner that included purple eggplant, and red onions, but by the time it was all cooked (or over-cooked) we had a brown meal. Thank goodness for colorful plates and place mats!  
Color failure! Eggplant, tempeh, red onions, garlic, and barley topped with stone ground mustard

The Pringle Plan: Spring Menu - Week #2  
Canned wild Salmon and celery, cucumber slices, tomato wedges, and home-made rye bread served on a bed of baby spinach
 We have salads for lunch most days and save hot meals for dinner time. I prefer mostly fresh vegetables on my salads, and use canned (no salt added) beans and mostly frozen vegetables when cooking.
Pinto beans, canned tomatoes, snap peas, onion, garlic and red bliss potato wedges
Black beans, spinach, beets, avocado and cornbread

Laura's Springtime Veggie burgers served with rainbow slaw
 Sandwiches are a once in a while treat because I'm cautious about having too many carbs in one sitting. I have a variety of recipes I use to make veggie burgers. You'll have to wait for my book to come out to see how easy and tasty these are! Below, I was able to use two wraps per serving without going over my carbohydrate limit.
Easy veggie wraps - Whole wheat wraps, hummus, red bell pepper strips, and avocado wedges...
...roll them up and serve with tomatoes (for Gary) or leftover rainbow slaw (for Laura)
Wild-caught tuna steaks, broccoli, mixed veggies, and amaranth

The Pringle Plan: Spring Menu - Week#3 
Barramundi fish, peppers, spinach, onion and tahini, with sweet potato wedges

My favorite dessert - Whole wheat cinnamon rolls with a toffuti frosting
 Yes, you can have dessert on a high-quality nutrition lifestyle plan! I use nutritious ingredients, bake in advance, divide it all up and freeze immediately so I'm not tempted to eat it all at once.

 Mixed spring greens and baby leaf lettuce, celery, and orange wedges topped with almonds for me, and...

...pumpkin seeds for Gary

Chic peas, Romaine, green bell peppers, tomatoes and a slice of pumpernickel

Wild-caught salmon, zucchini, mushrooms, garlic, and quinoa
That's all for now. Time to get back to writing, err... dictating my book!

See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon

The Pringle Plan is a series of educational guides. 

 ©2020 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

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