
Sunday, May 31, 2020

Taking a Stand for George Floyd and Kneeling with Colin Kaepernick

Today I am standing in support of George Floyd, a father who was murdered. His life mattered. Black Lives Do Matter.
   The photo at the very bottom of this post is from October 2, 2017. I included it in an article I wrote, Inspiration from Harriet Beecher Stowe. At the time, Colin Kaepernick was all over the news as he knelt during the national anthem before football games. I understood what he was doing. He was using his celebrity to bring attention to the fact that the justice white Americans experience is not the same as what black Americans experience. He was hoping, in taking this quiet humble pose, that things would change, that blacks would no longer be assumed guilty, publicly hand-cuffed, thrown in a police car,  charged with a crime, have fingerprints and mug shot taken, and be sentenced to prison with an unequal sentence to that of white criminals. Why unequal? Because black Americans often cannot afford bail the way white Americans can, which means they spend a much longer time in prison. Add to that the fact that black Americans are jailed at higher rates than white Americans, because the color of their skin presumes their guilt and you can not help but see the injustice. 

Unfortunately, Colin's kneeling was not enough to change the minds of enough white Americans. I think I know why. It is because he is black. His quiet, humble pose was not enough to quell the fears of too many white Americans. Because he is black, these racists were certain his kneeling in peaceful protest would somehow destroy the United States of America. They were wrong, and now four white, racist officers have not only murdered an innocent black American, they have ignited the anger of Americans all across the country who fear a system of injustice.

I will not post a photo of George Floyd being murdered. That horrific scene is seared into my brain forever. It terrorizes my thoughts day and night. I will not post photos of the angry protesters behaving badly, treating law enforcement with disrespect, looting, and lighting fires to businesses that had nothing to do with the tragic loss of yet another black American. Those images will do nothing to change the minds and hearts of racists. Racists will not develop a sense of empathy for black Americans when bombarded with these images. The fact that there are plenty of white Americans committing the same crimes will not register in the racist's mind. In fact, they are the ones doing damage to our country.

This will not stop because some black Americans kneel. This will not stop because some politicians say it has to stop. The  anger, frustration, violence, looting, and burning will not stop until there is Justice for All. Talking about it is ineffective, demonstrating is ineffective. 

Today I kneel for all black Americans. They have a right to be treated fairly and respectfully. Things must change. We need Justice For All.

I propose a multi-faceted approach that includes the efforts of individuals, community leaders, police departments, politicians, and our justice system.
  1. If you are a white person who has ever held a racist view, even if it seems minor to you or was in the past, acknowledge it to your family and friends or post it on social media. Acknowledge how wrong you were. Express your sincere sorrow and remorse. Pledge to treat everyone respectfully. Kneel, hang your head, and pray for George Floyd and his family. Kneel quietly, hold a sign that says Justice For All. Allow someone to take a photo of you, and post it on social media. When enough white Americans do this, racists will finally see that they are in the minority, that they are wrong, and may begin to soften their hearts. Empathy may finally begin to seep into their minds. It sickens me that it is not enough that black Americans have already done this, but it is our current reality. White Americans must stand up for George Floyd and kneel with Colin Kaepernick. We must show unity and support for black Americans in large numbers. I'm not talking about a few whites doing this, I'm saying the majority of whites need to take this action.
  2. Politicians in every state, as well as at the federal level, must write and pass legislation that requires all police departments to hold ongoing safe-restraint training on a repeated and regular basis. That training needs to include awareness of the potential that officers may be dealing with a human being who may be experiencing a psychotic episode, has a mental disorder or phobia, has post-traumatic stress disorder, has autism, or has other physical or mental disabilities. That training also needs to include an increased awareness that officers may not yet have all the facts, may be guilty of jumping to conclusions out of fear, that all people are insulted and upset by false accusations, and that historically black men and women have been unfairly and unjustly racially profiled. Finally, that training needs to include reminders that law enforcement is seen as being in a powerful position. Officers have a responsibility not to take advantage of that power position. Tax payers are willing to pay their salaries because they want law enforcement that has a responsibility to protect and defend its citizens regardless of race, religion or country of origin.
  3. Politicians in every state, as well as at the federal level, must write and pass legislation that requires all police departments and justice systems to hold law enforcement officials to the same standards of the law as civilians. Training must be provided to require all officers to wear  and activate body cameras, and to report criminal activities and other misconduct by fellow officers. Training in identifying co-workers and superiors who may be experiencing excessive stress, anger, depression, PTSD, or other mental health disorders must be provided. This training must include protocols for reporting such issues with an emphasis on getting the employee help before a crisis ensues.
  4. Politicians in every state, as well as at the federal level, must write and pass legislation that requires the release of all non-violent black American prisoners. Black Americans are imprisoned at a rate more than 5 times the rate of white Americans despite being only a third of the U.S. population.  They need to be released with support - money, healthcare, a place to live, job training, and help finding a job. Release of these non-violent human beings would go a long way in demonstrating America's determination and sincerity in attempting to set things right. The past can not be erased, but we can learn from it. We can decide to do better moving forward. It is the right thing to do. 

Please join me in posting photos of yourself with signs that read, "Black Lives Matter," and "Justice For All."

See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon  

The Pringle Plan is a series of educational guides. 

 ©2020 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

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