
Monday, May 18, 2020

Springtime at Cove View Towers

April, 2020
It's spring time! Still cold out, and I know you can't tell from this photo, but the trees are budding!

Here's a close-up. See - trees with tiny little leaves - it's spring!

Out back, the forsythia are in bloom

A little green in the fields next door...

...and more trees in bud - see the red buds!
The neighbors below us have removed some dead trees, expanding our views again.
Little did we know, this was just the beginning. Keep your eye on those three dead trees behind the white house.

A wider view..
...another day, and now the trees are gone! Never imagined we would have this wide open view of the water when we moved in last summer.
The fields are much more green now...

...and the cows are loving it!

Wow! Look who arrived - we're getting outside repairs done, dryer vents cleaned and covered, balconies power washed, and  windows cleaned! I'd better get busy and bring some furniture inside.

This is the way to wash windows!
Still a bit blurry, but this is the view from one of our now clean windows

And here's a close up of the sun reflecting off the still-closed Mohegan Sun Hotel and onto the water of Trading Cove
May 2020
Cherry blossoms on the east side of the building! I'll bet the ones out by the road are in bloom too. I'll have to schedule a walk into my busy Covid-19 schedule.

The trees next door are beginning to fill in, blocking our view of the farm and cows.

More cherry blossoms in the neighborhood below us

The water is like glass this morning...

...and the tree tops are filling in, blocking the view of the farm equipment, as well as a portion of the cove 

The cherry blossoms, out front, are a welcome sight

This stand of trees hides our building from the road

Morning back-lit cherry trees line the driveway

Love all the stone work around here

This birch tree is a real beauty

On the side of our building, I discovered an azalea in bloom, and a cherry tree!

By the end of the first week in May, the leaves have mostly filled in

We can just barely see the farm equipment behind the houses

Early morning sunlight shows off subtle variations of green

Loving this spring time view from our balcony!
Mid-May and we are in for a cloudy week

Everything is green - the bare trees of winter are just a memory now!
Have a wonderful spring everyone!

See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon

The Pringle Plan is a series of educational guides. 

 ©2020 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

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