
Monday, September 14, 2020

Condo Gardening

The week prior to Memorial Day weekend, I decided to get planting! I took a drive over to Burnett's Country Gardens in Salem, and bought plants, organic potting soil, and one ceramic pot for a braided hibiscus plant I had picked up at Stop and Shop earlier that morning. 
Just planted some Swiss Chard seeds
The blue ceramic pot we have had for years. At a previous home I planted Swiss Chard seeds in it and placed it on our deck table as a center piece. I loved the rainbow of colors and the fact that I could add clippings to my salads. So, I decided to do the same thing here only this time the pot is on our balcony coffee table.
Catmint (Nepeta) repels ladybugs
 We have had a lady bug problem both on the balcony and getting inside. I read up on some solutions. The first was to spray everywhere they congregate with white vinegar. The next was to place a catmint plant and some chives on my balcony. Both plants repel ladybugs. We haven't had any problems since. Now I just need to figure out what plants repel gnats!
Chives and garlic chives of the left, Early Girl Tomato on the right

Deep Orange Braided Hibiscus

I'm also plant sitting for a friend. This rhododendron seems pretty happy here, and JoEllen's African violet seems to like this spot near my chair.
African Violet and Hibiscus

Aerogarden with two types of lettuce
We've been getting about four servings of lettuce each week from our two aerogardens.
Aerogarden with Romaine lettuce

Succulent dish garden on left, and fern on right
I'm also plant sitting a dish garden, a fern, and a castor bean plant. All are doing well in my office windows.
Castor Bean plants on left, Amaryllis bulb on  right
My first hibiscus flower!
Another view...

...and a blurry close up!

Love watching the catmint swaying in the breeze
As the first flower curls up, a new flower opens up!

The tomato plant has grown quite well here

I'm in love with this hibiscus!

Flowers on the tomato!

New growth on JoEllen's Rhododendron!

Some growth on the chives

Early August
Swiss chard has barely grown

I moved the castor bean plant outside and it seems to like it here

Catmint is on its way out

Chives are dying back, and the tomato is producing but I'm noticing a lot of brown leaves

Meanwhile, inside the aerogarden is flourishing

The fern seems to like having a window to itself, or maybe it was the shower I gave it that has feeling so perky

The dish garden is hanging on, but JoEllen better get home soon!

New flowers on the African Violet!

Gary talks to JoEllen's plants daily and tells them she loves them and will be home soon!

Late August and Early September, 2020
Once JoEllen's plants went home, and my catmint, Swiss chard, and chives died back, it was time to start fresh. I started out with two mum plants, and ended up going back for two more.

Chrysanthemums also repel ladybugs which are due back soon. Even better - We're hoping for lots of fall color on the balcony this year!

See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon

The Pringle Plan is a series of educational guides. 

 ©2020 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

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