
Monday, July 2, 2018

Mower Strips and More

We ordered a pallet of bricks to be delivered, bought an electric edger, some hand tools, and finally began a project we've been talking about for twelve years - laying in brick edging around the planted areas. The purpose? - 1.) Create a mower strip to eliminate the chore of weed wacking; 2.) Create an edge that will prevent grass roots from spreading into the barked areas; 3.) Create an upright lip that will hold the bark in place so I don't have to keep raking it back in all the time; and 4.) Provide a more finished look to the landscaping.

A row of two flat bricks create a mower strip while the row of uprights hold bark in place.
 After much debate about whether we should just focus on the uprights around all planted areas this year, and do the mower strips in coming years, we finally agreed to focus on one area, do it right the first time, and save other planted areas for future years.

We may come back at a later date and place a row of uprights along the sidewalk edge. For now, it's all about where the grass meets the bark.

Making slow but steady progress. We had to redo this area three times.

From this view all looks calm. You would never guess it took three different people, a wide assortment of tools, and multiple attempts and consultations to agree digging out the boulder was the best solution.
A close up of the boulder solution

It's taken a month to get this far, but our neighbor's border is in sight!

After the rain, soil settled in, cracks reopened and will need to be refilled.

Another rain should wash more of this soil in.
Look at this fancy solution to joining bricks to the rock border!

I'll be brushing in more soil after each rain until everything settles in.

With half a pallet left, we can begin the next area once the heat wave passes.

So pleased with the lilies this year!

Our Redbud tree is looking pretty sad. We cut back some winter damage, but I should have listened to my gut and trimmed back the bottom branches in early spring. Now it has overgrown the planter area, making mowing tough, and causing me to worry those heavy bottom branches will snap either in a heavy wind or in a snowstorm next winter.
Meanwhile, this young Redbud (Cercis) is perfection! Wish I had taken photos when it was covered in lavender blossoms.
I'll end with one of my favorite garden successes - Blue Hostas!
Love these hostas on the north side of the house!

Laura S. Pringle is the author of The Pringle Plan, a series of educational guides. 

 See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon

 ©2018 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

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