
Monday, July 23, 2018

Hot Air Balloon Test Run

The balloons are tethered to the trucks below.
What is it about hot air balloons that bring such joy? A recent TED Talk explained we find joy in round shapes, pops of bright color, symmetry, and a sense of abundance. I would add in the wonder and freedom of flight, no longer bound by gravity, a sense of floating closer to the spirit realm.

An hour wait in a long winding line
 Arriving at the South County Hot Air Balloon Festival, on the campus of the University of Rhode Island, by 7:00 am I found I was far from the only visitor willing to pay $20 for a one minute ride!

Love the pops of bright color!
 Aside from the joyous color, I wanted to test my past fear of heights. Would it come back, or have I long since conquered it? Merely standing on the ground taking photos wouldn't tell me. I had to go up!

Spheres in the sky

All three balloons in flight
 Enthusiasts are grouped in fours, and prepared to use the step stool to climb in to the basket, as the previous group of four climbs out.

This is the one I rode in

A beautiful morning sky
 Rides were scheduled for two hours in the early morning and then again for two hours in the early evening. This is when the wind is most stable for a tethered flight of one hundred feet. Thirty seconds up, thirty seconds down. Just enough time to snap a few photos.

Plenty of helpers from the Rotary Club

Morning sun
 I had no trouble climbing in to the basket, but there are helpers there to assist if you do. The flight up was a breeze! No signs of my past fear of heights!

Our driver mans the controls

An inside view

From 100 feet up I can see the line of people soon to be disappointed
 Coming down the basket was a bit unstable as the wind picked up and our driver called out to shut the line down - no more rides, the wind was no longer safe. We hit the ground, bounced up 20 feet, and came back down again. I made it!

The wind is picking up and we bounce a few times
 Climbing out over the propane tank proved to be a little tricky as my foot got caught on the basket, but as you can see the balloon is secured with many helpers.

The ride is over! We're back on the ground.
So, was it worth $20 for a one minute ride? Absolutely! I tested my fears, enjoyed talking to people in line, and experienced the joy of flight in a colorful round shaped balloon! Now I now I'm ready for a longer flight!

Laura S. Pringle is the author of The Pringle Plan, a series of educational guides. 

See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon
©2018 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

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