
Monday, July 30, 2018

Cities of Peace at the Lyme Academy

Hosted by the Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts, Cities of Peace is an exhibit featuring exquisite  paintings conceived by Ellen Frank and produced by an international team of interns and scholars. Each painting is thoughtfully layered with meaning. On  close examination you gain an appreciation of the time, skill, and love that has gone into each piece. Stand back and you will see an aerial map, buildings, people, nature, constellations, and script in cuneiform and other languages.

Baghdad: City of Peace, Truly (Iraq), Ellen Frank Illumination Atelier
Large in scale, the paintings incorporate gold leaf and egg tempura on Belgian Linen, resulting in a peaceful beauty that draws you in, connecting to the soul of the universe. No one who views these poetic works of art could ever again be capable of a violent thought. They are loving memorials to war torn cities, while at the same time evoking a sense of calm. One can't help but meditate on the history of language, architecture, and unique culture of each of these cities, while at the same reflecting on the universal connections of all life on Earth, and beyond.

Jerusalem: A Painting Toward Peace (Israel), Ellen Frank Illumination Atelier

Hiroshima: Winter Bloom (Japan), Ellen Frank Illumination Atelier
 Plan to spend time at this exhibit. A quick walk through would not do it justice. Admire, read the labels, enjoy the beauty, learn, reflect, and relate. Frank's intention is to inform, bring the wisdom of knowledge, and hope for the future. She hopes to spark light from the darkness, and open a doorway to peace through understanding and beauty. So, bring your family, bring your friends, and stay awhile. You will discover art as diplomacy, and a path to peace.

Lhasa: 10 Directions (Tibet), Ellen Frank Illumination Atelier

Monrovia: In Constelation (Liberia), Ellen Frank Illumination Atelier

See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon 

 The Pringle Plan is a series of educational guides. 

 ©2018 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

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