
Monday, August 31, 2020


Pink Super Moon - April 2020

An empty Mohegan Sun Hotel, Covid-19, April 2020

Pink Super Moon Surrounded by clouds creates an eye from the sky 

August brought Saturn and Jupiter into view along with an almost full moon, and the Mohegan Sun is full again.

Jupiter is the bright dot. To the left of Jupiter is Saturn, just barely visible in this photo.

See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon
The Pringle Plan is a series of educational guides. 

 ©2020 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, August 24, 2020


Why buy takeout french fries when it is so simple to make something much more flavorful and nutritious?

Start with a bowl of colorful baby potatoes - red, white, and blue!

Slice, arrange in a baking dish, season, and drizzle a little olive oil. Bake at 425 degrees for 45-60 minutes for tasty oven fries...

...or saute with onions and roasted red peppers!

How about some sweet potatoes? Chop them into wedges for oven-fries and...

...serve them up with salmon and veggies!

Remember to season for another layer of flavor and nutrients. Don't settle for plain old salt and pepper. Try rosemary, sage, and thyme. Maybe some cinnamon and cardamom, or one of my favorites - a few dashes of cayenne! The possibilities are endless. Experiment and have fun!

See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon

 The Pringle Plan is a series of educational guides. 

 ©2020 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Summer Menu Week #4

Lunch - Chic Peas, Beets, Tomato, and Scallions served on a bed of Romaine

Here are few more food photos to go with my latest book: 
These are from my Summer Menu, Week #4. Lots of cold salads, some seafood and veggies, and easy breezy tacos!

Dinner - Salmon, Zucchini, Carrots, Onions, and Sweet Potato Oven Fries

One weekend a month we like to change up breakfast and have pancakes. These are whole grain, made with old-fashioned rolled oats. Add a drizzle of pure maple syrup, some fruit, and some nuts or seeds and you have a feast that will start your day off right!
 Weekend Breakfast - Oatmeal Pancakes, Mango, and Pecans

Lunch - Baby Leaf Greens tossed with Artichoke Hearts, Celery, Cashews with Zucchini Bread

Taco Night! - Whole Wheat Tortillas filled with Black Beans, Lettuce, Tomato, and Guacamole

Guacamole is a breeze to make. Start with two ripe avocados, cut each in quarters (removing the pit), peel and use a fork to mash in a bowl. Add the juice of one lime, sprinkle in some salt and four dashes of cayenne pepper. Mash it all together. Serve right away or refrigerate for later.
Before Photo: Lunch - Black Beans, Red Bell Pepper, and Celery on a bed of Baby Leaf Spinach

After - Topped with a dressing of Homemade Guacamole 

See more books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon

 The Pringle Plan is a series of educational guides. 

 ©2020 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Summer Menu Week #3

Lunch - Pinto Beans, Celery, Red Bell Peppers and Arugula with Rye Bread on the side

Here are a few photos to go with the menu plans and recipes in my latest book, The Pringle Plan For Quality Nutrition: A Ten-Year Personal Journey and Nutritarian Menu Plan.
Dinner - Fish, Peppers, Zucchini, and Onions with Amaranth

Dinner - Summer Veggie Burger, Onion, and Potato-Egg Salad

Dinner - Black Beans, Stewed Tomatoes, Onion, Garlic served on a bed of Sorghum, with a Green Salad on the side (not pictured)

Lunch - Cannellini Beans, Romaine, Celery, Tomato, and Avocado, served with Whole Grain Bread

Sunflower Seeds, Pesto, Summer Squash, and Zucchini served over Chic Pea Pasta, with a Spinach and Orange Salad on the side

The Pringle Plan For Quality Nutrition: A Ten-Year Personal Journey and Nutritarian Menu Plan

See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon

 The Pringle Plan is a series of educational guides. 

 ©2020 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

What Does a Nutritarian Diet Look Like?

Lunch - Black beans, celery and avocado on a bed of home-grown lettuce, served with whole grain bread

   My ten-year journey into the world of nutrition led me to a Nutritarian lifestyle. These food photos from week#2 of my summer menu plan, illustrate the basics: Whole foods, and mostly plant-based. We do eat fish, eggs, and occasionally meat. A Nutritarian diet is about the quality of the food you consume and how it effects your health. 
Dinner - Salmon, spinach, green beans, mushrooms and ancient grains

Afternoon Snack - Watermelon!

Lunch - Out of lettuce? No problem with these veggies: Chic peas, red bell peppers, and grape tomatoes; served with whole grain bread

Dinner - Don't see the protein? It's in the sunflower seeds and even in the pasta! Chic Pea Pasta has far more protein than other pasta types. We usually serve a green salad with artichoke quarters on the side, but since we were out of lettuce, the artichoke hearts were tossed into the tomato sauce and sprinkled with nutritional yeast!

The Pringle Plan For  Quality Nutrition: A Ten-Year Personal Journey and Nutritarian Menu Plan

See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon

 The Pringle Plan is a series of educational guides. 

 ©2020 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, August 7, 2020

Quality Nutrition

   I love colorful food! Red, green, orange, blue, purple, and yellow - so much more interesting than a bland steady diet of brown and white foods. I also love the aroma of herbs and spices. Fennel seeds, oregano, cumin, cayenne, cinnamon, basil, cilantro, and curry - a delight to the senses that surpasses that of standard old salt and pepper. This is what a Nutritarian lifestyle is all about! Take a look at a few photos from my Summer Week #1 Menu and I think you will agree, Nutritious eating is delicious eating!
Lunch - Black beans, arugula, beets, tomato, scallions, capers, seasonings, extra virgin olive oil, vinegar, and whole grain bread

Dinner - Barramundi fish served on a bed of amaranth, asparagus, pepper strips, and mushrooms

Dessert - Strawberry-Rhubarb Walnut Crumble

The Pringle Plan For Quality Nutrition: A Ten-Year Personal Journey and Nutritarian Menu Plan

My latest book, The Pringle Plan For Quality Nutrition, is all about the health challenges and food changes I have made. The subtitle: A Ten-Year Personal Journey and Nutritarian Menu Plan, gives you a clue that I have not always eaten this way. I am so glad I made some important changes to the quality of nutrition I had been consuming. With improved nutrition comes improved health and more energy! Copy and paste the title above into Amazon's Search feature to order your copy today!
Lobster salad on a bed of romaine, with tomato, avocado, and whole grain bread

Dinner - Pinto beans, eggplant, onion, tomato sauce, and sweet potatoes

Lunch - Black beans on a bed of Swiss chard, with red bell pepper, avocado, tomato and rye bread

Nutritarians eat lots of fruit, vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. Essentially, it is a whole-food, plant-based diet. However, it is not about eating exclusively plant-based foods. Instead, being a Nutritarian is about eating high-quality nutrition. That is why you will also see fish, seafood, eggs, and occasionally meat on my menus.
Dinner - Wild caught salmon, onion, string beans, summer squash, garlic, and barley

Dinner - Cold salad of pecans, mushrooms, artichoke hearts, bell pepper, celery, garlic and quinoa, served on a bed of leafy greens
Copy and paste this title into Amazon's Search feature to buy today:
The Pringle Plan For Quality Nutrition: A Ten-Year Personal Journey and Nutritarian Menu Plan

See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon

 The Pringle Plan is a series of educational guides. 

 ©2020 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.