
Monday, April 20, 2020

Sunrise and Sunsets at Cove View Towers 2019-2020

These days, when we're all isolated from one another, one day can seem much like another, but here's proof that every day is unique. You just need to take a moment to look for the special qualities each new day brings. Relax and enjoy the views.

July 2019
Hazy pink clouds in the evening sky

Still get a chuckle over the UFO effect caused by the reflection of ceiling fixtures in the window. It must have been hot and humid and I didn't want to open the slider and let the a.c. out - Lol!

Similar story here, but can see a star in the southern sky

Neighborhood below still in shadow, while early morning sun reflects on the Mohegan Sun 
October 2019

Red and purple night-lighting on Mohegan Sun almost match the early morning sky

Sun just coming up, subtle reflection on Thames River

Yellow, peach, pink, purple, blue

Bright light on the Thames River. Getting a better view of the Rt. 2 bridge from the 6th floor

Sunlight pulls out the changing colors in this October Sunset

Just before sunset, the western sun shines on the Ledyard hills across the Thames River
November 2019
Clear skies and early morning sun reveal colorful foliage

With the leaves falling, the sun hits our balcony a little earlier these days

End of day reflections cause the west wing of Mohegan Sun Hotel to almost disappear

Late day shadows begin to crawl across the landscape

A hazy sunrise almost wipes out the view across Trading Cove

Hide and seek in the fog

An orange sunset reflects on Mohegan Sun, as the moon begins to take over the sky

Goodnight sun

Can't decide which photo I like better, this one because it catches the sun and calm water reflections, or...

...this photo, because it catches the moon and the silhouette of trees against the night sky

Yellow reflection becomes... orange reflection just a few minutes later

Subtle color almost looks like a watercolor sky

The very last rays of the day create a spot of orange reflected on the mirrored glass
  December 2019
Sunrise on a now leafless landscape reveals the widest view of water reflections we've seen since moving to this condo

I always think of these smoke stacks as ancient Native American smoke signals

I love this sunrise...

...and here's a closer view

A snowy sunset in our sleepy New England neighborhood

All the color seems to have drained out of the photo, but its just a trick of the light and shadow

Low tide reveals the outline of the cove

Not much blue sky today, but just enough, in just the right spot, to reflect on the Mohegan Sun Hotel
Early January 2020
I hope the New Year is as beautiful and serene as this sunrise

Look at that sunrise reflecting orange on the Thames River!

Red night-lighting on Mohegan Sun still visible as the sun begins to rise
January 2020
I love the contrast of warm sunny reflections, stretching from the Thames River all the way across Trading Cove, within the winter wonderland landscape.

Yawning trees wake up to a frosty day

Sunrise reflects on Trading Cove

Clouds in bird-formation fly over this Thames River sunrise

A hazy orange sunrise glows above the snow covered hillside trees
Brilliant color - It's going to be a wonderful day!

The lights are still on across the cove

Pink clouds

There it is, the sun, just behind the hill

I call these trees The Three Sisters

Purple and orange

Smoke signals form down river. It's always interesting to see what images they form. I call this one, "Big Bird Looking at his Toes."

February 2020
So early the sky is mostly deep blue with just that hint of orange on the horizon signaling a new day

March 2020
The three sisters back lit in a yellow sunrise...

... a closer look...

...and a broader view

The views from our condo change fast. There was a big round yellow-orange sunset ball of light reflecting on the west wing. By the time I got my camera, it was gone! You can still see just a hint of the yellow remaining.

The sun sets in a double reflection - on the hotel and on the cove!

The close-up leads right to my balcony railing
April 2020
Reflection of sun light off building creates a patch of light on the water
Loving the refreshing change of some color in this evening landscape

A beautiful evening of clouds and water views

Early morning in the sleepy village
I'm enjoying the green grass and budding trees. A new season has arrived. We're experiencing a shift in our routine as we go from a peaceful early morning sitting on the balcony and bundled in a warm blanket while sipping a hot cup of tea, to enjoying lunch time views from the balcony while we watch springtime activities all around us.

See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon
The Pringle Plan is a series of educational guides. 

 ©2020 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

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