
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Books for American Friends of Kenya

Here I am packing up boxes of my series, The Pringle Plan, for a shipment to Kenya - with the help of American Friends of Kenya!
 The first time I heard about American Friends of Kenya was during a lecture series through Adventures in Lifelong Learning. I practically jumped out of my seat with excitement. This organization creates and supports schools and libraries in Kenya with much needed books and supplies. It is exactly who and what my books are intended for - parents and teachers in need of some early educational guidance. I knew immediately I wanted to be a part of this inspiring group of people.
Dr. Wayne Silver, President of American Friends of Kenya, loads boxes of The Pringle Plan in his car
 After the presentation, I contacted Dr. Wayne Silver to tell him how much I appreciated his presentation and how I thought my book series might be useful in Kenya. I couldn't imagine how teachers with no more than a high school education themselves were managing to teach the children of an illiterate population to read, write, learn English, and math often without any books or teacher resources!

Since my retirement, I have been writing books to address similar issues here in the U.S. As a former teacher, I saw a need for user friendly information for young poorly educated parents, as well as for young new teachers and teachers new to a certain grade level in search of ideas. My approach is friendly and encouraging in a "you can do this, I'm right here with you" type style. I recognize the cost factor parents and new teachers struggle with, so I use mostly no cost, and low cost activities in my lesson plans with an emphasis on conversation to teach background knowledge, an essential component of story comprehension.
I donated what I could afford, two copies of four books for Pre-K through 3rd grade, and knew I needed to do much more. I suggested I could buy my books, at the reduced author cost (yes, authors have to buy their own books), if Wayne could find a donor to cover the cost of the books, tax and shipping. He decided to have me order 17 copies of three of my titles - 51 books. The cost averaged out to only $4 per book!
The books will go in a shipping container filled with other books, medical supplies, library equipment and many other items that are collected, sorted and packed over the course of a year. Then they will be shipped to Kenya, where a network of Kenyan leaders will move, unpack and distribute the supplies to schools, libraries, hospitals, and clinics in slum and remote rural areas. It is a massive undertaking that began with the idea that books can change lives.
AFK is an all volunteer organization - no officers, directors or supporters get paid, and there is no costly professional fund raising. AFK began with an informal group of 18 like-minded friends and neighbors, in Connecticut, who wanted to help some other friends, natives of Kenya, achieve their dream of establishing a library in a remote and impoverished area of Kenya. Through their efforts and visits to Kenya this charity organization has expanded to branches in other U.S. states and now has 20 networks in Kenya. Through this network of Kenyan leaders, American Friends of Kenya now reaches 200 schools, making it possible for children living in slums and poor rural areas to go to school in a country where only those who can afford to pay attend school.
AFK also recognizes the need for girls to get an education. Unfortunately, because families in these areas often cannot afford feminine hygiene supplies for their daughters, girls must stay at home when they begin menstruating. Because they fall behind in their lessons they often end up dropping out of school. AFK addresses this problem by providing supplies for the Days For Girls Program, an international organization that provides washable reusable menstrual pads, so girls can continue to be educated at the same rate as boys.
Many disabled people living in poor conditions must stay at home due to mobility issues. That is why American Friends of Kenya also sends crutches, wheelchairs, and mobility carts in their annual shipping container. For many, these gifts from AFK provide their first experience of being able to move around independently and more fully participate in village life.
There is so much more that American Friends of Kenya does. You can read more about the work and successes their efforts are making at  I hope you will consider donating, it costs $20,000 to send a shipping container to Kenya each year. If you have books and other supplies you would like to donate, please contact the organization first so they can decide if it is an item that is needed. Children's multi-cultural picture books are especially welcome as the children can comfortably relate to the characters. 

Network leaders send lists of the items they are in need of, and many volunteers work hard to match donations with requested items. You can contact AFK at:
American Friends of Kenya
150 Yantic ST. #142
Norwich, CT 06360
You can also check a list for types of supplies needed here.
Keep in mind that adults with no access to books can lose their ability to read through lack of practice, so books for adults, both fiction and non-fiction, are needed as well.
As for me, my contribution is going to be to continue to write my series, while making the books available to AFK at author cost, and donating as I am able. I am excited to see how this works out. I have already read that with AFK's help teachers and parents are reporting their children have increased their vocabulary skills, text comprehension and writing skills have increased and national exam scores are showing improvements. Students are expressing their enthusiasm and excitement for being read to and for learning to read independently!

In downtown Norwich, Connecticut you will find this inspiring wall mural. The nearby Otis Library is one of the most active libraries I have been in. It is a real community center. American Friends of Kenya is creating the same sense of community gathering by providing equipment and books for libraries in rural Kenyan villages. Please do all you can to help. Thank you.
"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free" - Frederick Douglass
                   See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon

The Pringle Plan is a series of educational guides. 

 ©2020 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

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