
Monday, February 24, 2020

Foliage Views from Cove View Towers 2019

Peak foliage color  - October 26, 2019, Norwich, CT

Tired of dreary winter scenery? Me too. Here's a look back at a more colorful changing of the seasons - Fall 2019. Many of the views are taken from my balcony, others are through my condo building's dirty windows - my apologies for the latter!  

October 4, 2019 -  Still very green

The vines and dead trees still partially block our view of  Trading Cove, while the Mohegan Sun Towers disappear into the sky and reflect the early-October-green-foliage.

October 12, 2019 - A hint of color signals a change is about to happen...

... and now a little more, especially along the water's edge

Funny how sometimes the color shows better on a previous cloudy day than on this bright sunshiny day

October 15, 2019 - View out the North side windows of driveway

Loved watching this tree, near the parking lot, change colors. I can see it through the hallway window directly opposite my front door.

Color climbs up the hill while the foliage still blocks the view of the neighboring farm

Early morning sun skims the tree tops

October 18, 2019 - Mohegan Sun Towers now reflecting some colorful foliage

October 26, 2019 - Peak color in Connecticut

Enough foliage from the vines has fallen to provide a clear view of the dock in Trading Cove.

The views to the north are clearer and brighter in color

Yellow leaves fall on the lawn - but I don't have to rake!

Love the New England red buildings among the colorful trees

Our building casts a shadow in this view to the northwest.

From the 6th floor lounge, we can see the hills beyond the tree tops.

Back on the south side, we see the yellows changing to orange...

...and the oranges changing to rust

The color intensifies against the fog, in late October.
Enjoying a late October sunrise on the balcony

A Halloween wind storm took down some dead trees....
... and opened up our view of Trading Cove to houses and the dock below us

Love how the color of the trees frames the water

The hill across the cove is in high color now

Meanwhile, the trees to the east begin to thin, providing a glimpse of the farm next door.

As the leaves continue to fall, our view begins to open up...

...with a clearer view of the Thames River and bridge from our living room.

Rust colored leaves against the early morning sky

Across the cove, almost bare trees reflect in the water, where the dock has been removed.

November 6, 2019 - Thinning trees continue to change our view... we now have a better view of the farm...

...and discover it continues behind the houses below us.

We notice more leaning trees and hope they fall into the woods, not on our neighbor's homes.
November 13, 2019 - Extreme cold weather is claiming more leaves, continuing to widen our view 

The view to the west now reveals more sneak peeks of the water...

...Meanwhile the view to the east has opened up to reveal the farm land... fences and...

...stone walls

...and a small pond.

In front, we can now see cars going by, through the trees...

...and neighboring homes.

November 22, 2019 - Never imagined our view of Trading Cove would be this wide when we first saw our condo last spring,

...or that we'd be able to see this much of the Thames River.
On a cold day like today, the view is better appreciated from inside where it's warm and cozy! Have a great winter everyone!

See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon

The Pringle Plan is a series of educational guides. 

 ©2019 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

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