
Monday, June 24, 2019

June Blooms and Good-byes

Sophie Roses
This is it - the final week in our Oakdale home. All month long I've been appreciating each and every flower bloom, at each stage, from every angle, at every change in the day's light.


Peonies just forming buds

Clematis with just a few flowers

Autumn wondering why on earth we would leave this garden. I mean there are four bird houses here, not to mention the butterflies and hummingbirds!

Clematis gate  - front view

Baptisia Australias starting to bloom

A man and his John Deere tractor, the final lawn mowing.

Rhododendron hedge damaged by deer, but still looking fine

Sophie roses and mountain laurel

Baptisia Australias  now stands as tall as my shoulder

Siberian iris

Peony in full bloom

Clematis vines now covered in these beauties

Kousa dogwood and roses brighten a foggy day

Kousa dogwood has long lasting blooms - two weeks and still hanging on!
There's is something so sad and beautiful about fallen rose petals covering the ground

Peonies buds beginning to pop...

...and now in full bloom
Lilies in bud, and purple salvia in bloom
Rose vine side view

Rose vine front view almost covering the bird's entrance
Ok Gary it's time. You've mowed the lawn for the last time... let's say good-bye to that dirty old John Deere cap!
Time to finish up our packing and look forward to views of nature's garden along the Thames River. Norwich, here we come!

See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon  

The Pringle Plan is a series of educational guides. 

 ©2019 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Laura, just looked this up so I would know what the names are of some of the plants. Now I can look up how to care for them. The photos of the plants are beautiful. You did a really nice job with the gardens and I hope to keep them going for you.


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