
Monday, January 21, 2019

Rose Gardens at Elizabeth Park

With a temperature of one degree this morning, it's time to look back at summer and the colorful rose garden at Elizabeth Park:

Medium pink with orange centers
   It was mid-June at Elizabeth Park in West Hartford, Connecticut, roses were in bloom, some had already passed, others were just budding. Many colors were on display. Their beauty left me speechless, so I'll let the photos speak for me.
Some were low shrubs, others were trained along wire fences

Deep pink and fuscia

Bright white

Sunshiny yellow

Soft pink

From a distance

Fully opened white roses

Pale yellows

Trellis tunnel buds just beginning to open

Bright pink

Hedge roses

Elizabeth Park Rose Garden

Pale pink

Donna among the roses

Laura S. Pringle is the author of The Pringle Plan, a series of educational guides. 

 See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon

 ©2018 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

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