
Monday, December 18, 2017

Old Lyme Sculptures

There are two spots in Old Lyme, Connecticut where you can meander around enjoying the sculptures of some very talented artists. First is the Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts, and right next door is Studio 80+ Sculpture Grounds. 

Classical sculpture greets students and visitors at the Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts

From the parking lot of the Lyme Academy, you will see this entrance to the neighboring Sculpture Grounds

Animal Sculptures

Park-like grounds

This tree alone is worth the visit ! Be sure to read the info plaque. It has quite a story!

Don't worry about getting lost, sign posts lead the way!

Down by the Lieutenant River, stacked pieces of recycled wood create this human form

Miniature mountains and pink bramble? What fairy tale land have I entered?!

Stainless steel and stone

Wish I could remember the name of this sculpture. It is surrounded by a circle of portrait heads on posts. Very interesting, what does it mean? Let your imagination be your guide!

Bearded man

Skillful suggestion of eyeglasses

Thick plaits of hair

And now we turn to the more contemporary sculptures

For some reason these colors made me think of tulips and I couldn't stop thinking about them till long after my visit - even though this was a fall day... oh how the mind wanders!

Sculptures and splashes of color are tucked everywhere

Sculptor Gilbert Boro has a home on the sculpture grounds. While visitors are not allowed inside, they are welcome to visit his garden and the cafe near the house.

This one made me feel so welcomed I couldn't help giggling with joy!

I couldn't decide - Traditional Chinese character, or a hound dog walking upright while carrying a heavy backpack with a dachshund and a miniature whale on top?

In the shadow of the tree, you can see Buddha taking a nap.
What a wonderful morning it was. The air was cool and crisp. It was a joy to be out in nature, enjoying art and feeling inspired. This stays on my "Must return again and again list."

Laura S. Pringle is the author of The Pringle Plan, a series of educational guides. 

 See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon

 ©2017 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

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