
Monday, September 11, 2017

Smith's Castle, RI

Costumed Docents lead tours on the hour
Last week, after my tour of the Gilbert Stuart Museum, I drove on to Smith's Castle in Rhode Island. This tour is filled with positive and negative info on the history of the north. On the down side? It turns out the early days of our northern history are filled with slaves and abuse of slaves. The positive? This deplorable practice was pretty much phased out in the north by the time of the Revolutionary War.

Another potential negative - You may be disappointed to see Smith's Castle is not the type of castle you had imagined. It turns out the definition of castle is any structure or group of buildings that have been fortified against attack.  The original trading post which stood on this property was fortified with fencing. The positive? The current home stands on a scenic spot with spectacular views to enjoy while a costumed docent leads you on a tour through Rhode Island history.
As you can see, Smith's Castle is not the fairy tale European type castle you may have expected

Your tour begins under this Enormous tree

The location on this cove made it the perfect spot for a trading post
The Narraganset tribe was friendly with the Colonists, and stayed neutral during a war with the Wampanoags. One of the female leaders of the Narragansetts, generously compromised with the colonists by gifting them the island across from the property in exchange for an agreement to move their goats there. The colonist's goats had been eating the woman's garden, and this gift was her solution to the problem.
Across the way is Goat Island

Restoration of historic Smith Castle is underway
There are several beautiful gardens on the grounds. This is the herb garden restored and maintained by the University of Rhode Island Master Gardeners. Also on the grounds is a dye garden.
Beautiful herb gardens line the gravel pathways

Did I mention the views?
It was beautiful day and I'm so glad I took advantage of my time in Rhode Island to soak up some local history and enjoy the scenery. By the way, picnicking on the grounds is encouraged, so pack a lunch and head there today!

Laura S. Pringle is the author of The Pringle Plan, a series of educational guides. 

                                                   See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon

 ©2017 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

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