
Monday, September 25, 2017

My September Garden

Love this colorful early morning view from my front door
Here it is, late 
September, and my garden is beginning to fade. But look at what I've been enjoying this month!
Rose pink flowers of Creeping Sedum look stunning against blue foliage

Hydrangea tree has taken on a hint of pink in early September

Look at the size of these Hydrangea blossoms!

Heather is lush and green


Dog wood fruit attracts song birds

Purple Buddleia, yellow Rudbeckias, and chartreuse Junipers

Love these hardy but delicate looking Pink Potentillas

Liriope as tall as azaleas, and look at that beautiful moss corner I've been cultivating!

This year's pet project - creating moss mower strips!

The size of these hostas never fail to impress me!

Coleus containers are a nice welcome by the back door

Once these flowers fade and the weather cools, I'll transplant hosta tubers to shade gardens

This is all this group of hollyhocks did this year - Maybe they'll bloom next year?

This year's newly planted Phlox still looking good

Jerusalem Artichokes have fallen over - time to cut them back

Coral bells (Heucheras) gave a subtle show

The last month of green trees

Always enjoy these early morning glimpses into the woods
Many thanks to friend, Marline, for identifying my mystery shrubs bordering the woods. They are clethra, also called Summersweet.  
Sweet summer has grown over the landscape timbers - time for a trim!

Unusual for New England, the lawn never turned brown!
Now in late September, what is still in bloom? Well the roses, potentilla, and budleia in the front yard continue to put on a show. Containers of ice plant, coleus, geraniums, and cranesbill are still looking fresh. 
These hanging geranium pots are just sitting in a larger pot waiting to be replaced with some fall mums. But when a plant is still looking this good, how can I replace it?
The morning glories have just begun to fade this morning, while the herbs are still strong. But my favorite September flowers? It's those Lime light Hydrangeas. Take a look at how they've taken on a tinge of deep pink!
I make a point to look out the window several times a day to visit these beauties. I'd be embarrassed to tell you how many photos I've taken of them!
I've begun to cut a few things back and will continue this week and into October as I do my final tidying up of the year. Looking forward to the changing of the season and the wondrous fall colors!

Laura S. Pringle is the author of The Pringle Plan, a series of educational guides.

See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon

 ©2017 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

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