
Monday, January 9, 2017


Niantic Bay Sunrise

     We experienced two snowstorms this weekend that reminded me it's been a while since  I wrote in my gratitude journal. I like snow, but that's not what has me feeling grateful. I'm grateful for my neighbors. We have neighbors on each side that keep our sidewalks clear of snow. My husband has multiple sclerosis, and I have bad shoulders. Shoveling snow is no longer in our skill set! I've never asked my neighbors to clear the sidewalks, they just do it. A third neighbor came over and raked the snow from our solar panels - again without being asked! I am extremely grateful for my wonderful neighbors, and know I don't say it enough, but they still show up, visit with us year round, teach us new things, and offer their help. Many people enjoy living out in the country - away from people. Not me. I love the safe feeling of living among kind people, and the opportunity to socialize at leisure, sharing our lives however hectic or sedate they may be.

      You must be wondering what this has to do with the sunrise photo above. Well like I said, I realized I haven't written in my gratitude journal for a while, so I pulled it out and reviewed what I've written in the past. Many of the same things kept coming up, beautiful sunrises, beautiful sunsets, my husband, my cat, family, good health, nutritious food, nature, the changing of the seasons, beautiful gardens, a nice cup of tea, music, soup on a cold wintry day, hot cocoa on a cold snowy day, and always chocolate!

Thanks for clearing our sidewalk and solar panels Ron, Bernie and Tim! 
Thank you Gary for spending the past 40 years with me through good times and bad, in sickness and in health.

Thank you Autumn for keeping us on schedule, making sure we do our chores, and get some exercise; and thank you for being a great office assistant and companion.

Thank you to all the birds who eat the bugs in our garden, stay in our birdhouses, and visit us on our deck. We enjoy your colorful beauty and,  with a sense of aweadmire your ability to fly.

Thank you tea  for keeping me warm, calm and patient.
Thank you chocolate for reducing stress, and being the healthiest comfort food around.

Thank you sunsets for ending the day with a warm glow, signaling the time to stop, relax, and enjoy the beauty of  our shared world.

Laura S. Pringle is the author of The Pringle Plan, a series of educational guides.

 See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon

 ©2016 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

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