
Saturday, August 28, 2021

Summer Menu Week #4 From The Pringle Plan

Complete! Four seasons of menus have been photographed, blogged, and posted to my website! These photos provide you with a visual reference for the menus listed in my last book The Pringle Plan For Quality Nutrition! 

This week's photos are from my Summer Menu Week #4.

Thursday/Friday Lunch - Chic Peas, Beets, Scallions and Tomato on Mixed Greens; dressed with Apple Cider Vinegar and Extra Virgin Olive Oil; seasoned with Basil, Oregano, and Parsley; Rye Bread on the side

Dinner - Wild Caught Salmon baked in Lemon Juice, Zest and Parsley; Carrots, Onion, Zucchini, and Sweet Potatoes

I forgot to take a photo of our Saturday/Sunday Lunch. It was a salad of raw Cashews, Carrots, and Artichoke Hearts on a bed of Swiss Chard with a slice of Whole Wheat Bread.

Dinner - Tacos!

Tacos are an easy breezy meal. So simple to prepare. I heat drained and rinsed canned Pinto Beans in the microwave for one minute. Mash two Avocados with Lime Juice, a sprinkle of Salt and four dashes of Cayenne Pepper. Chop up four Tomatoes, and heat Whole Grain Tortillas or Wraps in the microwave, between paper towels, for thirty seconds. With each item in separate bowls it is easy for four people to serve themselves. Above is a photo of the fixings inside. Below shows it all wrapped up. 

These Whole Wheat wraps were quite thin, so I decided to double up and wrap them deli-style rather than making two smaller open tacos. Either way, they are delicious!

Taco - All wrapped up with two thin Whole Wheat Wraps

Monday/Tuesday Lunch - Black Beans, Red Bell Peppers, Celery, and Avocado on a bed of Spinach; dressed with a homemade dressing of Lime Juice, Olive Oil Mayonnaise, Cumin, Cilantro, Chili Powder, and Cayenne; A slice of Rye Bread on the side

Dinner - Baked Barramundi Fish, Mushrooms, Summer Squash, and Onions over a bed of Sorghum

Gary popped the Fish and the Veggies in a casserole and baked in the oven while the Sorghum simmered on the stove. Everything was ready about the same time!

Happy Eating Everyone!

See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon
 The Pringle Plan is a series of educational guides. 

 ©2021 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

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