
Monday, March 30, 2020

Winter Views from Cove View Towers 2019-2020

Sunrise December 1st, 2019
Overall, it was a pretty warm and uneventful winter. Fortunately, that meant we were able to get outside on a regular basis. Now, with Covid-19 physical distancing, I'm looking back on winter with fondness for all the get-togethers with friends. Today, at the end of March, I can see forsythia in bloom, a few  trees in bud and even a few flowering shrubs in the neighborhood below me. So, it is time to move forward and say a final good-bye to Winter. 
We can see ice on the shore line across the cove

A clear view of the farm's fence has opened up near our border

December 3, 2019 - Our first snow of the season and I had to include my Christmas tree because I'm just so excited about how well it fits on that little section of wall!

The bistro snow cake!

No sunrise today

View of Trading Cove and the Mohegan Sun

The plow truck taking care of the parking lot

View from third floor common area - can see Thames River a little better here

View towards Thames River from the 6th floor common area - an even better view of the Thames River

View of Trading Cove from the 6th floor common area

View from north side windows

Snow starting to let up


A little holiday atmosphere

A new day, a new dusting of snow

Interesting effect -  a spot of blue sky reflects on the Mohegan Sun Hotel

Sunset on the cove

Sunset reflecting on right side of Mohegan Sun - it almost disappears!
Morning reflections on Trading Cove

Excuse the dirty windows and reflections in the next few photos. With mid-December wind chills in the single digits, it was just too cold to open the slider.

Ice forming on the cove

Look at those icy branches

The sun finally peaking out, but it's still coooold! Brr.

You can't see them in this photo, but I did see three cows in the top pasture next door.

Late afternoon reflections on Trading Cove

West views of cove between the tree branches

I have a feeling these two dead trees will fall by next winter and really open up our view

Late afternoon reflections on the Mohegan Sun Hotel

Cloudy skies
January 2020

Aside from the hotel, this neighborhood strikes me as a typical New England scene

Thick white frost covers the hillside bramble directly below us

Snow and ice cling to the tree branches
Mid-Late January

Snow flurries hide our view

Snow begins to cover the icy parts of Trading Cove

Ice is now completely covering the cove

Good-bye Winter of 2019-2020!

See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon

The Pringle Plan is a series of educational guides. 

 ©2020 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

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