
Monday, January 13, 2020

Winter Following Directions Game

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The following lesson is an excerpt from my book, The Pringle Plan For Following Directions.

  •    All actions are done while standing in place.
  •    Students repeat word, then follow direction.
  •   Demonstrate while instructing, until students can follow with just the verbal instruction.

Say cup. Now please stand up. (feet together, hands at sides) 
Say thieves. (shrug shoulders, ask) “Where are the leaves?” (students answer, “They’re all gone.”)
Say bold. The weather is cold. (cross arms and shiver)
Say whoa. Get ready for snow! (rub hands together)
Say goat. Now put on your coat. (act out)
Say cat. Now put on your hat.
Say flutes. Be sure to wear boots.
Say kittens. Don’t forget your mittens.
Say cakes. Here come the snowflakes. (raise hands up, wiggle fingers slowly, lower hands)
Say wow. Now let’s plow. (place hands side by side, palms forward, and push)
Say vovel. Now let’s shovel. (act out)
Say mower. Get out the snow blower. (pretend to push)
Say wall. Let’s throw a snowball. (pretend to throw)
Say Dan. Now build a snowman. (pretend to stack snowballs)
Say Bill. Let’s climb a hill. (march in place)
Say wedding. We’re going sledding. (squat low and bounce)
Say trees. Now watch the lake freeze. (hold hands up to eyes like binoculars)
Say brozen. Don’t assume it’s frozen. (shake finger and head no)
Say mice. Have your parents check the ice. (nod yes)
Say wafe. It has to be safe. (hands on hips, firm voice)
Say slick. Have someone measure how thick. (use hands to show how thick ice has to be)
Say bait. Now ice skate. (stand on one foot, with other knee bent, then switch)
Say wish. Now ice fish. (pretend to hold a fishing pole)
Say Rome. Time to go home. (walk in place)
Say get. Now wrap yourself in a blanket. (act out)
Say pire. Let’s sit by the fire. (squat, rub hands together)
Say doe. Drink some hot cocoa. (pretend to drink)
Say worn. Now eat some popcorn. (pretend to eat)
Say groovy. Let’s watch a movie. (nod yes)
Say wait. We’re going to hibernate. (rest head on folded hands near shoulder)
Say mail. Now sit on your tail. (in chair, on floor, or in next activity area, depending on the daily routine you want to teach)
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See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon
The Pringle Plan is a series of educational guides. 

 ©2020 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

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