
Monday, December 9, 2019

Christmas Following Directions Game

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The following lesson is an excerpt from my book, The Pringle Plan For Following Directions.


  •    All actions are done while standing in place.
  • Students repeat word, then follow direction.
  • Demonstrate while instructing, until students can follow with just the verbal instruction.

Say cup. Now please stand up. (feet together, hands at sides) 
Say blow. Now watch it snow. (raise hands up, wiggle fingers gently as hands lower)
Say suits. Now put on your boots. (act out)
Say kittens. Now put on your mittens.
Say Nan. Let’s build a snowman. (pretend to stack snow balls)
Say sights. It’s time to put up the lights. (reach up)
Say Keith. Now put up the wreath. (pretend to hang wreath)
Say key. Let’s decorate the tree. (nod yes)
Say pop. Put the angel on top. (reach high)
Say zee. Now wrap the garland around the tree. (walk in a tight circle, to stay in place, while pretending to wrap garland from top to bottom of tree)
Say gents. Now hang the ornaments. (pretend to hang ornaments)
Say cents. Now wrap the presents. (act out)
Say whoa. Don’t forget the bow. (pretend to tie ribbon around gift)
Say live. Get ready to give. (hold out hands as though presenting a gift)
Say ding. Let’s go caroling. (sing, “fa-la-la-la-la”)
Say rings. Time to hang up your stockings. (pretend to hang on hook)
Say banta. Now wait for Santa. (rest head on folded hands, near shoulder)
Say weigh. There goes a heavy sleigh. (point to the sky)
Say cough. I see Rudolph. (point to your nose)
Say bup. Tell your family it’s time to wake up. (whisper, “wake up”)
Say gookies. Did Santa eat all the cookies? (shrug shoulders)
Say lift. Now bring your mom a gift. (hold hands out like you’re holding a gift)
Say eve. Now it’s your turn to receive. (hold palms upward)
Say tibbon. Pull off the ribbon. (act out)
Say zayper. Next, tear off the paper.
Say guys. What a nice surprise! (nod yes)
Say chew. Now be sure to say, “Thank you.” (say, “Thank you.”)
Say town. Now please sit down. (in chair, on floor, or in next activity area, depending on the daily routine you want to teach)
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The Pringle Plan is a series of educational guides. 

 ©2019 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

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