
Sunday, May 26, 2019

My Final Spring Garden

My last spring clean-up! But also the last time I get to enjoy seeing my garden come to life. In another month, we'll be living the condo life, enjoying a lack of body-aching yard work and other outdoor home maintenance projects. Instead we'll enjoy time to do and go when and where we want, and sipping an ice tea while sitting on our balcony enjoying a view of the Thames River! 

Here's a final spring look at the Pringle Gardens in bloom!

Azaleas in bloom

Redbud - The first tree Gary and I planted to mark our one year anniversary in this home. Last year it had become overgrown with branches hitting the ground and getting in Gary's way as he mowed the lawn. Neighbor Ron helped me shape it. It looks so much healthier this year as it begins to bud.
The year after planting Redbud, we planted the Kousa Dogwood on the left. The following year we connected the two trees with an underplanting of roses, azaleas, hydrangeas, barberry, purple coneflowers and vinca. After that we went a little crazy and started landscaping eveything! The goal was to add a little curb appeal. I think we achieved that and I have to admit I'll miss pulling in my driveway and admiring all our creations!
Gary was pulling leaves out of this bed in January and February so we wouldn't have to disturb the flowers during bloom time!
Love these tulips. When they first open they are all yellow. The change to orange happens slowly over the next week, while still retaining the yellow base.

Here's a side view with Johnny jump-ups.
A paler daffodil with a double center.

Vinca growing near an old tree stump covered in fungi.

The table and chairs that used to hold these flower pots have sold, along with many other items from my basement, shed, and garage. I'm feeling much lighter without all the "stuff." These pots found a new home beside a neighbor's new pool!

The Autumn Joy Sedum on the left was planted by me at a previous home more than two decades ago. The other two pots contain hardy geraniums, also called Cranesbill, planted several year's ago. They now grace the entry of a neighbor's home!

I loved the Redbud in the front yard so much that I decided to plant a second one on the side of the garage. It arrived in a four inch pot several years ago.
Here it is in the round border wall Zach Cooney, owner of Precision Edge, built for me when he was a teenager.

Gary and I have been very happy in this home, living among wonderful neighbors.

As excited as we are about moving to our new home, I know I'll miss you Redbud...

...and the great neighborhood you stand in.

See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon

The Pringle Plan is a series of educational guides. 

 ©2019 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

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