
Monday, December 30, 2019

Central Park - Winter 2019

New York City skyline viewed from Central Park
Following a walk through Times Square and Rockefeller Center, we headed over to Central Park. So far, our bus trip to New York had been exciting, fun, and filled with the sights, sounds and crowds of this busy city. What would a walk through Central Park bring?
Imagine living way up there and having a view of the entire park

We're off on another adventure of discovery!

Ice skaters...

...and more ice skaters!

Paved walkways, rocks to climb, and green grass in the heart of the city

Horse-drawn carriages


A tree lined walkway called Literary Row

Fitzgreen Halleck

A crowd forms... a group of break dancers perform

A plaza...

...a fountain, and a lake

In warmer weather, you can rent a row boat for $15/hr at the boat house

Alice in Wonderland

Cleopatra's Needle

Crabs at base of Cleopatra's Needle

A beautiful green field...
...stunning views surrounding...

...a reservoir...

...and a tree lined walkway leading us back to the street...

...where we saw this charming building decorated with green wreaths and red bows.
Next week - we head to New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art!

See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon

The Pringle Plan is a series of educational guides. 

 ©2019 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, December 23, 2019

December in Times Square, Rockefeller Plaza, and Lunch at Fresh

Billboard in Times Square
Billboards, extremely tall buildings, crowds of people bundled up in their winter coats and scarves, taxis, buses, horse-drawn carriages, food carts and street vendors - these are among the sights, sounds and aromas of New York City's Time Square!

Lines of people waiting to buy tickets
Our bus made great time - Two and a half hours from Three Rivers College in Norwich, CT to Times Square. For a while, all I could do was look up, snap photos and smile. It was such great fun to be out of my comfort zone and experiencing the exhilaration of the city! I loved the variety of architecture, each building providing something unique to admire.
Wide and reflective

Tall and covered in ads
After taking it all in, I lowered my sights and discovered food carts, friends with smiles as wide as mine, and architectural detail unheard of in modern suburbs. 
Times Square food cart

Donna and JoEllen

Church entrance

Stone arches, cornices, pillars and more...

Unique structures on roof tops

Traffic and streets shaded by endlessly tall buildings

A Christmas tree near Fox News, with flags lowered to half-staff due to a recent base shooting

NBC Studios next to Radio City Music Hall

Mosiac over entry to NBC Studios

Although it is too blurry to read, I assure you, the tee-shirt has today's date-12/7/19 on which Jennifer Lopez will appear on Saturday Night Live

Here I am in the Rockefeller Center Mall with Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon!

A little NBC history

An FAO Schwartz pop-up store 

The Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree!

Angels and Christmas decorations in Rockefeller Plaza

Ice skaters in Rockefeller Center...

...And we were there to see it all!
A little more walking, a little more looking up...

A church spire

more crowds, buildings and flags
... and then some window shopping 
Yarn Yaks in the Anthropology window...

...and a Fa La La La Llama

Another view of the tree

One of my favorite "Just For Fun" things - a greenhouse igloo for enjoying wine and cheese in the great outdoors of NYC!

In front of the CBS News building
Then it was time for lunch at Fresh where we had great food I was too busy enjoying to remember to take a photo of. I had a smoked salmon sandwich, JoEllen had a Falafel sandwich, and Donna had a Buffalo chicken sandwich. There were no complaints! While filling up, we enjoyed our view of the city, noticing things like phone booths (does anyone still use those?), and wondering if Gail King, Nora O'Donnell or any other celebrities might walk in (they didn't).
phone booths in NYC

A food cart out front and Chipotle across the street

Exceptionally great food at Fresh in NYC
Then a little more of the city sights before heading to...
Golden building details

Ivy covered walls
...Central Park - stay tuned for next week's blog post!

See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon  

The Pringle Plan is a series of educational guides. 

 ©2019 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.