
Monday, August 20, 2018

July Garden 2018

   With the high humidity and heat waves, July was better spent indoors than out. Our mower strip project went on hold, and the bare minimum was the goal for weeding and mowing. Still, I couldn't resist slipping outside to take a few photos.

Self-seeding Morning Glories
 Every morning, we wake up and count the number of morning glory blooms. The photo above was a banner day, especially since I've done nothing to encourage these self-seeders. We counted 17 (including the back side) on this day!

Phlox - Laura
The phlox were so thick I was able to get a colorful photo from the deck above.

North side plants - Hostas and fern
 I'm always amazed at the size of these hosta.

Hostas in bloom

Cone flowers and Drumstick Allium

One of these years I'll remember to stake these!

Last years freebie sampler from Bluestone Perrenials - a white allium

Daylilies and boxwood
 This easy care area never fails.

Day lilies and Salvia
 Let's all hope for a cooler and dryer August!

See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon

 The Pringle Plan is a series of educational guides. 

 ©2018 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

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