
Monday, June 4, 2018

Sister Time at Moonlight Beach

The twisted sisters together at last! We had a wonderful lunch at Leucadia Pizzaria and Italian restaurant, followed by a quick hop across the street to Moonlight Beach in Encinitas, CA.

I'm the one with eyes shut and mouth wide open. Obviously, sisters Sharon and Robin are more experienced at selfies than I am!
We had great weather for a walk on the beach. Beautiful views of the Pacific Ocean from every angle.

Moonlight Beach State Park

Looking north...

Looking south.

My beautiful sisters

No crowds in May

I could look at these views all day

It amazes me that plants and trees can grow on that sandy soil cliff

A ledge perfect for rock-stacking

A closer look

I was here

Run off from above keeps the ledge wet

Look how proud I am at completing this simple task!

One last look before we go

Laura S. Pringle is the author of The Pringle Plan, a series of educational guides. 

See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon

 ©2018 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

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