
Monday, January 8, 2018

The Fox and The Turkeys

Mr. Fox wakes up ready to begin his day
We usually enjoy watching squirrels scramble about the trees in the winter time. This year, it seemed strange that we hadn't seen many, until we noticed Mr. Fox had moved in. We think he may either be living under our shed, or under the shed ramp. Their have been multiple sightings of coyotes and coy wolves in our neighborhood. I haven't been able to get any photos of them, but Mr. Fox has stopped to pose several times.

Ok, I'll stop to pose

Checking on the neighbor's soccer field  - and to see if that big dog is around!

Crossing the street, Mr. Fox is on the hunt
He has been eating well, keeping down the mouse population - much to our relief. He has also had some meals of turkey. Yes, we have several flocks of turkeys wandering through our woods and gardens here in Oakdale, Connecticut.

We often catch a peak of the wild turkeys on their daily rounds through the woods

There are several different flocks

Once in a while, one spots me and stops to pose

A snowstorm  doesn't bother these hardy birds
These two are checking my garden for winter treats
This morning I saw this flock walking single file up the road in front of my house

Mr. Tom was keeping everyone in line

Spreading that tail to remind everyone exactly who is in charge here

Come on girls, let's pick up the pace
The stragglers

Walking up my driveway, they begin to realize food is not far away

Behind a neighbor's house!

 Laura S. Pringle is the author of The Pringle Plan, a series of educational guides. 

 See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon

 ©2018 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

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