
Monday, November 27, 2017

Westerly Murals

What a wonderful day in downtown Westerly, Rhode Island! My mission for the day was to photograph the murals. My sidekick decided to ride along when he heard lunch was part of the adventure! Our first stop was Wilcox Park. Tucked down behind the city library, it's an oasis of nature - ponds, green grass, trees, well maintained walkways, and sculptures - surrounded by the old style architecture of downtown.

Pond at Wilcox Park

You'd never know you are in the middle of downtown Westerly, RI

Sculpture inspired by Margaret Wise Brown's The Runaway Bunny

Westerly Library Park entrance

The Wilcox Memorial Fountain,  designed by John Francis Paramino in 1898, and  dedicated in honor of Harriet and Stephen Wilcox who donated the land for the park.
After my stroll through the park, I couldn't resist a few photos of the architecture of the area. Then I was off on a bit of a scavenger hunt. Westerly's mural are sometimes in plain sight, could be high or low, may be tucked around on the side of a building, and sometimes are barely visible during a drive-by. You really have to get out and walk around. Fortunately I had a great day for walking. Along the way, you'll discover the rich history of the area, some wonderful views and great places to shop and dine.

Westerly Public Library

Westerly Post Office

Westerly, RI sits on the eastern side of the Pawcatuck River

Historic information abounds in the downtown area

War Memorial

View of Pawcatuck river from the northern side of the bridge

B & B Dockside Cafe (Where we had a fantastic lunch served by friendly staff) - view from the parking lot

Mural downtown Westerly

Family priorities

Mural spans the entire length of the building

Does anyone else still have a landline?

You have to search high and low to find some of the murals

Women worked in the mills during the war

This mural is tucked down a small alley 
Next time I go to Westerly, I plan to spend a little more time in the shops and restaurants, point out the book store where Hillary stopped after losing the election; Oh and show a few photos of my drive down Mechanic Street. Oh yea - and the bakery and take out foods at McQuades Market! Can't Wait!

Laura S. Pringle is the author of The Pringle Plan, a series of educational guides. 

 See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon

 ©2017 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Meigs Nature Center

 We stopped in at Meigs Nature Center on a September trip to Hammonassett Beach State Park in Madison, CT. The year old building run almost exclusively by volunteers is filled with interesting exhibits and interactive touch screens. We saw birds, crabs, turtles, a super soft seal pelt, forest animal exhibits and much more. 

Outdoors there are three separate gardens to explore.

Purple Martin Garden

Colorful information boards

Flowers in the Turtle Pond Garden
I didn't see any turtles, but I was able to peak into the fenced pond

The monarchs were everywhere, but refused to sit still for a photo.
Humor in the Butterfly Garden
Did you know that in Connecticut there is always a State Park within a fifteen minute drive? Check out this one the next time you're in Madison!

Laura S. Pringle is the author of The Pringle Plan, a series of educational guides. 

See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon

 ©2017 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, November 13, 2017

New London Sculpture Mile


A few weeks ago, my chauffeur (aka husband Gary), drove me to New London. As he pulled to the side, I hopped out camera in tow, and took photos of sculptures along New London's newly installed sculpture mile. It begins near the Lyman Allyn museum, and continues to the old courthouse. It was a quick trip as we had some errands to run, but well worth the diversion.




War Memorial at Williams Park

Nathan Hale

A local hero

Gravity & Stone

Resting in a park

Bird beak



The Old Courthouse


And because I'm a cat lover, a Cat Closeup!
My next trip to New London will be longer. There's lots to see and explore - history, architecture, the waterfront, art, shops and restaurants!

Laura S. Pringle is the author of The Pringle Plan, a series of educational guides. 

 See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon

 ©2017 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, November 6, 2017

My Fall Garden

Still a lot of green in October, but this maple is beginning to change
My fall garden is all about the foliage. The transformation is a wonder to me each year. Each day brings new changes as some trees lose their leaves, some put on a brilliant display of color and others still think it is summer. Some flowers still surprise as they continue to bloom in cooler temperatures, but its really all about the trees. 

Redbud turns yellow in early October

The hydrangeas have turned a deep mauve

The hollyhocks finally had a sudden growth spurt in October

A guardian angel named Timmy appeared to help me maintain my moss mower strip project!

A blaze of orange...

...and a blaze of red..

...with a bit of green

I can see further into the woods these days

Late October and the geraniums are still blooming...

...meanwhile the color deepens in back

I love the mums at Scott's, but it's still too warm

I skipped the pumpkins this year as well

Early November and we're finally at peak color!

Another angle

A surprise! Gerberas still in bloom!

A lone lilly blooming in November?

Johnny jump ups are never a surprise in my garden and I'm always delighted to see them!

Early morning sun reveals the leaf thinning has begun

Uh-oh! I see the deer finally got to my hostas!

Always love this orange against the blue sky

It's the first week of November. Redbud has lost its leaves, dogwood is orange on top but still green on bottom, and the sophia roses are still in bloom!

Autumn loves fall. Its still warm enough for some deck time where she can keep an eye on the chipmunks and squirrels.

Laura S. Pringle is the author of The Pringle Plan, a series of educational guides. 

 See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon

 ©2017 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.