
Monday, August 28, 2017

My August Garden

 Lime Lite Hydrangea tree begins blooming 
in a soft lime/white

August is full of changes in my garden. Flowers go from just budding, to overflowing blossoms, or in some cases falling over and fading away. This hydrangea is a good example. At left, you see it just beginning its show. Below, you can see this beauty is still thriving. With cooler temperatures it will transform again as the color changes.

Love this view from my front window
Here are some more photos from early August.

Purple Coneflower (Echinacea) has brilliant orange centers

Brown Eyed Susans (Rudbeckia) add sunshine to the garden in all kinds of weather

Blue Hydrangeas surround one side of the Redbud Tree

Siberian Iris flowers faded long ago, while the greenery continues to grow. The lamiums in front help hold them upright.

The day lillies have now taken over this area while the purple salvia in back has faded

Couldn't resist buying this phlox this year. Not only is it purple, but it seems named for me - Laura!

Liatris adds a sculptural effect to this area

Love the effect of these hydrangeas against the woodlands border in the background

I don't know the name of these white flowering plants, planted by a previous homeowner

Agastache in full bloom while Astilbes have faded

Morning sunlight streams into the woods behind this birdhouse

Now take a look at  the garden in late August.

Geranium still covered in pink

Lo and Behold butterfly bushes in full bloom and attracting butterflies like crazy

Rudbeckias still standing strong

Happy Face Pink Potentilla is a low maintenance wonder!

Coreopsis required some serious dead-heading, but came back in full force!

Baptisia's seed pods have turned a soft blue-black

Myrtle the turtle sits near the coleus

These once tiny hostas have long stems of lavender flowers

Cuphea Allyson looks about the same as in July

Liriope is now in its second bloom of tiny purple spikes
Jerusalem Artichokes have begun to flower. That means I can begin to harvest the tubers, but I prefer to wait for a few nights of frost.

From my deck, I can see the cone flowers, rudbeckias, and phlox are still doing well, while the liatris has faded and fallen.

This last week of August has brought cooler temperatures, in the 70's, and overnight lows in the 50's. That means fall weather is just around the corner. Can't wait to see the changes that brings to my September garden!

Laura S. Pringle is the author of The Pringle Plan, a series of educational guides. 

 See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon

 ©2017 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

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