
Monday, December 19, 2016

Let It Snow!

February 2012 – This is my favorite photo with just enough snow, a nice dusting with crystallized branches.

     We've had some cold weather and snow this week, which has me reminiscing about some past snow storms and how my feelings have changed.... and stayed the same. Having grown up in southern California, I had never witnessed snow falling until I moved to Connecticut at age 16.  It was so fun to see, and to experience "snow days," when school was cancelled or delayed!  Driving was an adventure. My Dad and I practiced sliding around on a nearby road with no traffic or people. Later on, driving to work was less fun, but I kept my sense of humor as I dovetailed up hills, and slid through red lights with my foot on the brake all the way through. What a ride! Of course the older I got the less fun, as I imagined the reality of car accidents and increased insurance premiums. 


January 2016 – A few inches on the ground and the branches are looking heavy

      No matter where I worked, people all seemed to have the same opinion. We all loved and looked forward to that first snow of the season. A little snow around the holidays is pretty nice too, and weather cold enough to keep the white stuff from thawing helped make for a scenic view. Once I started working in school systems, I developed the same love/hate relationship with snow that all educators share. We looked forward to snow days because we needed a break, but we hated the idea of having to add another day on to the end of the year. Snow delays are also a double edged sword. It's nice to sit back and relax with another cup of tea, and leisurely read the paper, but it also means you will have to figure out how to cram more learning into a shorter period of time.

Blizzard 2013 – We won’t be dining outdoors!

Blizzard 2013 – I can’t open the sliders, and I’m a little worried about the weight of all that snow on the deck.

     My husband and I used to take care of the driveway ourselves. He plowed with the tractor, and I shoveled out the mail box. This really didn't save us any money, as the tractor ended up needing expensive repairs every year. Fortunately,we both finally agreed we'd gotten too old for such nonsense. As you can see from these photos, the winter of 2013 brought a blizzard that delivered several feet of snow. Thank goodness we decided it was time to hire a service for this job!

2013 The day after the blizzard – Our driveway elf has been here!

    So, how do I feel about snow these days? Well, it's just beautiful. I still get excited to see snow falling. I look forward to the first snow of the season, and always hope for a little around the holidays. Now that I'm retired I never drive in it. I still like the weather to stay cold enough so the snow doesn't thaw, but my favorite part is having a nice hot cup of cocoa, and watching while our hired elf takes care of the driveway. Life is good, and I'm loving retirement!

Laura S. Pringle is the author of The Pringle Plan, a series of educational guides.

 See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon

 ©2016 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

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