
Monday, April 24, 2017

March For Science

Here I am getting ready to March for Science!

The March began at Hole in the Wall Beach in Niantic, CT
The crowd begins to gather on the Niantic Bay Boardwalk

We took photos of each others signs

"The Good Thing About Science is it is True whether or not you Believe in it" - Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Most people were either scientists or educators
Everyone was concerned about our planet
This science supporter listed some of the many things that would not be possible without science
An artistic plea for calm rational thinking
Data = Evidence
We marched in waves of 100, to allow time to stop and listen to the speakers
This physicist spoke about the future of science as discoveries are made in the use of gravitational waves
I was in the 2nd wave. Estimates of crowd size ranged from 500 - 1000.
This dentist spoke about research exploring ways to mitigate cavity causing bacteria
These biologists explained how their work in the Long Island Sound is used to work with  Millstone Nuclear Power Plant to reduce the negative impact of releasing heated water on sea life 
The boardwalk is about a mile long and leads to Cini Park on the river side of the Amtrack bridge
This cardiologist spoke about the importance of scientific research into ways to reduce heart attacks
This high school science teacher was excited to see some former students speaking about their work. 
Once we made it to the Niantic River, we marched back on Main Street

For more Information check out these links:

Science Not Silence - Judy Benson, The Day
Science Not Silence - An article by Judy Benson of The Day

Image may contain: 10 people, people smiling, people standing and outdoor
Our speakers are listed on the March for Science SECT facebook page

Click here to check out more posts from March for Science SECT and stay informed!!!

Laura S. Pringle is the author of The Pringle Plan, a series of educational guides.  

See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon

 ©2016 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Old Lyme

Lyme Art Association

One of my favorite towns is Old Lyme, Connecticut. It's full of charm, history, and art.   I spent a lot of time there a few decades ago, and I always enjoy going back for a visit. The scenic drive is always calming as Old Lyme borders both the Long Island Sound, and the Connecticut River. 

My first stop last weekend was the Lyme Art Association. The current exhibit, An Exhibition in Four Acts, runs through April 28th, 2017. The four acts refer to the art themes displayed in each of the four main rooms: Industrious America, Contemporary Look, Holding Still, and Lyme Art Association Faculty. As always, I enjoyed it all, but was especially interested in the Contemporary Look. Back when I was an artist member, anything that wasn't an Old Lyme landscape was discouraged. So it was refreshing to see a more diverse display of the artist's talents. Another exhibit begins in May.

I also enjoyed the 2017 Art Supply Expo that was being held the day I was there. As I signed in, I was immediately handed a bag of freebies - some watercolors and oil pastels! I'm feeling inspired to try them out. I was very happy to find, and buy, some non-toxic oil mediums to go with the non-toxic paints I recently purchased. My old tubes of paint are ready for the hazardous waste collection this summer!

Lyme Academy College is now affiliated with the University of New Haven
My next stop was the Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts. So much has changed since I was a student there. Many of the buildings were still in the planning stage by the time I graduated. The original studios and hallways still felt familiar, and the historic Sill House holds so many memories of time spent manning the front desk, hanging paintings, and attending exhibition openings.

The current exhibit is the 2017 Senior Studio Exhibition. The styles have changed dramatically since the days of a focus on classical figurative art. Although this is still taught, students are free to explore illustration, printmaking, and abstract art as well.  Senior students develop their own styles and interests, each creating works unique to their personality and medium. I especially enjoyed Daniel Willig's figurative sculptures. Much more than the traditional academic nudes often seen in sculpture exhibits, Willig's figures represent a time and place, allowing the viewer to invent a story for the introspective character. I also enjoyed Kerryanne Celona's abstracts. Bright and colorful, there is no story line here, just exploration and joy in color.

Connecticut River
On the way home, I drove north on RT 156 toward Lyme, sneaking peaks through the trees at the marsh and river along the way. One of Connecticut's most scenic drives! There is so much more in Old Lyme, but that is for another day, another post!

Laura S. Pringle is the author of The Pringle Plan, a series of educational guides.

 See books by Laura S. Pringle on Amazon

 ©2016 Laura S. Pringle. All Rights Reserved.